Volume 15, Issue 1, 2010
Open Issue

This issue is dedicated to International Women’s Day http://www.internationalwomensday.com/theme/ and Women’s History Month http://www.nwhp.org/whm/index.php

Table of Contents

Peer-Reviewed Papers:

1. Some forecasts of the diffusion of e-assessment using a model, by Andrew Boyle, Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual), Coventry, UK

2. Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems: A Conceptual Framework, by Vincent K. Omachonu and Norman G. Einspruch, University of Miami, USA

3. Workforce Management Innovations in Transportation Agencies: Overcoming Obstacles to Public Sector Innovation, by Edmund J. Zolnik and Ryan Sutter, George Mason University, USA

4. Decolonizing pedagogy in the American Classroom, by Lucia Buttaro, Adelphi University, USA

5. ICT, the New Media (Internet) and Development: Malaysian Experience, by Ali Salman, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia

6. When the Cure is the Cause: the Turnover and Absenteeism Problems, by Merrelyn Emery, Concordia University, Australia

7. Forced Governance Innovations for Managing the Economic, Financial and Auto Crashes, by Van R. Johnston, University of Denver, USA

Case Studies:

8. Centres of Excellence in Africa: The Contribution of CESPAM in Public administration in the SADC Region, by M.H. Lekorwe, University of Botswana, Botswana.

9. Building Psychiatric Clinical Research Capacity in Low and Middle Income Countries: the Cuban-Canadian Partnership Project, by Stan Kutcher, Bianca Horner, Colleen Cash, Martha Fors Lopez and Maria Amparo Pascual, Dalhousie University, Canada, and National Coordinating Centre for Clinical Trials, Havana, Cuba

Book Reviews:

10. The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, by John McMurtry, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

11. Governing the Environment: Salient Institutional Issues, by Albert Breton, Giorgio Brosio, Silvanna Dalmazzone, Giovanna Garrone, eds., reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

12. Professionalism and Public Service: Essays in Honour of Ken Kernaghan, by David Siegel and Ken Rasmussen, eds., reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

13. Blood and Capital: The Paramilitarization of Colombia, by Jasmin Hristov, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

14. Elusive Equality: Gender, Citizenship, and the Limits of Democracy in Czechoslovakia 1918-1950, by Melissa Feinberg, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

15. The Price of Exclusion: Race, Nationalism and the Decline of German Liberalism 1898-1933, by Eric Kurlander, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

16. Innovation in Public Services: Entrepreneurship. Creativity and Management, by Paul Windrum and Per Koch, eds., reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

17. The Future of Innovation, by Bettina von Stamm and Anna Trifilova, eds, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

La Revue de l’innovation : La Revue de l’innovation dans le secteur publique

18. La réalité des femmes sur les conseils d’administration suite À l’adoption de la loi Québécoise sur la gouvernance des sociétés d’État: Obstacles et accès, par Sophie Brière et Natalie Rinfret, École nationale d’administration publique (ENAP), Québec, Canada

2010 (15-1-1) Some forecasts of the diffusion of e-assessment using a model,
2010 (15-1-10) The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, by John McMurtry,
2010 (15-1-11) Governing the Environment: Salient Institutional Issues, by Albert Breton, Giorgio Brosio, Silvanna Dalmazzone, Giovanna Garrone, eds.,
2010 (15-1-12) Professionalism and Public Service: Essays in Honour of Ken Kernaghan, by David Siegel and Ken Rasmussen, eds.,
2010 (15-1-13) Blood and Capital: The Paramilitarization of Colombia, by Jasmin Hristov,
2010 (15-1-14) Elusive Equality: Gender, Citizenship, and the Limits of Democracy in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1950, by Melissa Feinberg,
2010 (15-1-15) The Price of Exclusion: Race, Nationalism and the Decline of German Liberalism: 1898-1933, by Eric Kurlander,
2010 (15-1-16) Innovation in Public Services: Entrepreneurship. Creativity and Management, by Paul Windrum and Per Koch, eds.,
2010 (15-1-17) The Future of Innovation, by Bettina von Stamm and Anna Trifilova, eds,
2010 (15-1-18) La réalité des femmes sur les conseils d’administration suite À l’adoption de la loi Québécoise sur la gouvernance des sociétés d’État: Obstacles et accès, , ,
2010 (15-1-2) Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems: A Conceptual Framework, ,
2010 (15-1-3) Workforce Management Innovations in Transportation Agencies: Overcoming Obstacles to Public Sector Innovation, ,
2010 (15-1-4) Decolonizing pedagogy in the American Classroom,
2010 (15-1-5) ICT, the New Media (Internet) and Development: Malaysian Experience,
2010 (15-1-6) When the Cure is the Cause: the Turnover and Absenteeism Problems,
2010 (15-1-7) Forced Governance Innovations for Managing the Economic, Financial and Auto Crashes,
2010 (15-1-8) Centres of Excellence in Africa: The Contribution of CESPAM in Public administration in the SADC Region,
2010 (15-1-9) Building Psychiatric Clinical Research Capacity in Low and Middle Income Countries: the Cuban-Canadian Partnership Project, , , , ,

Published February 24 2010